Audit of liquidation (premature distribution of assets)

Audit of liquidations quickly and inexpensively!

Liquidation audits already from CHF 860!

What are we doing better?

We apply the latest audit technologies
We work with a targeted audit approach
We are cost transparent, always
The audit is carried out entirely by experts
Independent and timely evaluations

Your benefits with blueAUDIT GmbH

Audit work done by CPAs

With us, licensed experts take care of the audit from start to finish, which is not customary in the industry. Fewer queries, more quality and expertise!

Audit without unnecessary extras

We carry out audits according to Swiss law, without unnecessary services and consultations at CHF 250.00 per hour. blueAUDIT GmbH stands for high quality and transparency!

Guaranteed quality assurance

The high quality of our tests is checked and continuously improved by an external review in accordance with the Swiss quality assurance system (QS1).

Transparent cost calculator

With our cost calculator you always have an overview of all costs! We conduct exams without unnecessary extras. blueAUDIT GmbH stands for high quality and transparency!

blueAUDIT GmbH is an auditing expert

As an approved audit expert from the audit supervisory authority (RAB), blueAUDIT GmbH is allowed to carry out complex audits and audits.

Our way of auditing the liquidation

  1. 1
    Fill the form

    You fill out the inquiry form (non-binding) and will be contacted within the next few days.

  2. 2
    Sending the documents

    You will receive a list of the documents required for the audit by email.

  3. 3

    We are conducting the audit. You will be contacted if necessary.

  4. 4
    Discussion and report delivery

    The results of the audit are discussed and the report is sent to you.

Liquidation and distribution of assets - Code of Obligations

Liquidation Audit - Art. 745 Para. 2 OR

1. Das Vermögen der aufgelösten Gesellschaft wird nach Tilgung ihrer Schulden, soweit die Statuten nichts anderes bestimmen, unter die Aktionäre nach Massgabe der einbezahlten Beträge und unter Be­rück­sichtigung der Vorrechte einzelner Aktienkategorien ver­teilt.

2. Die Verteilung darf frühestens nach Ablauf eines Jahres vollzogen werden, von dem Tage an gerechnet, an dem der Schuldenruf zum dritten Mal ergangen ist.

3. Eine Verteilung darf bereits nach Ablauf von drei Monaten erfolgen, wenn ein zugelassener Revisionsexperte bestätigt, dass die Schulden getilgt sind und nach den Umständen angenommen werden kann, dass keine Interessen Dritter gefährdet werden.

  • auditor of more than 220 companies
  • Clear and fair costs
  • Audit experts with many years of experience
  • Solid quality assurance thanks to external review